At Premier Care Management, our great passion is helping you receive the support and guidance you need in challenging times. Our experience and expertise assisting those with dementia has proven to be life-changing as we provide real solutions that can greatly improve wellness outcomes.
Tracy Johnson, RN, CCM
Dementia Care Consultant
Certified Dementia Care Practitioner
Dementia Care Consulting Services
If you’re caring for a loved one with dementia, finding the right help and support can be overwhelming. We understand the daily care challenges you’re facing coupled with the other related life stressors that are normal to daily living. We commend you for the love and care you have extended to your loved one.
At Premier Care Management, our great passion is helping you receive the support and guidance you need. Our experience and expertise assisting those with dementia has proven to be life-changing as we provide real solutions that reduce the stress for both caregiver and loved one with dementia.
With years of experience successfully working with families and their loved ones, we have created a comprehensive Dementia Care Consulting approach.
This approach provides significant improvement in health and wellness outcomes for caregivers and their family member with dementia.
Dementia Care Consulting is a Studied Approach to Improved Care
According to a study conducted by The National Institutes of Health and the US National Library of Medicine, family caregivers and patients who received Dementia Care Consulting experienced significant improvement in overall health and wellness outcomes.
In the intervention groups studies, Dementia Care Consultants provided individualized education, counseling and support over a 12-month period, and sent copies of care plans they developed with family caregivers to primary care physicians. The study also measured improvements in caregiver self-efficacy for managing dementia, caregiver depressive symptoms, and caregiver burden.
Dementia patients whose family caregivers were in the intervention group that received Dementia Care Consulting were less likely than their control group counterparts to be admitted to a nursing home.
The intervention group caregivers who received Dementia Care Consulting reported greater satisfaction with the care they gave and showed improved self-efficacy for managing their care.
The intervention group caregivers who received Dementia Care Consulting also showed significant improvement in caregiver outcomes. Their family loved one’s overall well-being was improved, and the family caregivers were more satisfied with care and support they gave.
How Our Dementia Care Consulting Program Can Help You
We provide compassionate expertise in understanding the progression of dementia, identifying, recognizing & validating the feelings and emotions of both the person with dementia and the family member/caregiver.
We help you to understand the stages of dementia and how it is presently affecting your loved one. There are commonalities in the course of the disease process and we will help to prepare you for what is coming next.
Assist with the team approach: physicians, allied professionals, and paid caregivers to ensure that the best care is being provided.
Discuss the use of medications and behavioral approaches in managing behaviors. Our goal is the lowest use of medications to manage behaviors.
We also coach and prepare you to manage how to best communicate, and how to identify the triggers that create negative outcomes. These approaches will minimize the frustration and anxiety which is so often present when trying to get cooperation.
We will assess the challenges that are related to the physical care of your loved one. Some of these challenges might include refusal of medication, refusal to allow showering or changing of clothing, agitation or aggressive behavior, loss of interest in eating/drinking, sundowning or the long list of other behaviors which cause this disease to be so challenging for caregivers.
Work through difficult transitions such as taking away driving privileges in the early stages or the need for a personal caregiver that is not a family/loved one as the disease progresses.
Make small changes to the home environment that can have a big impact on quality of life and promote safety.
Make plans for the future by discussing care options, review of medical advanced directives, financial and legal affairs as well as creating a care plan now that allows for the most independence and enjoyable moments for the future.
Relationship building; staff/resident, staff/staff, and management/staff if living in a senior living community or at home.
Creating a safe, trusting and loving environment that fosters well-being and harmony.
Our Dementia Care Consultants
Assess the current situation and create a care plan for the best ways to manage the disease.
Explain what to expect as the disorder progresses.
Help you to understand the meaning behind behavioral changes.
Help you to simplify tasks, create high then low intensity activities.
Observe behavioral interactions and then help you learn how to communicate better.
Assist you in changing unwanted behaviors to cooperative or manageable behaviors.
Encourage you by assisting to reduce anxiety, stress and depression.
Walk alongside you in this journey and give you the tools you will need to be a successful caregiver.
Our Dementia Activity Specialists
Trained in Dementia Care with the Rosalyn Carter Institute, or Gem Level Program with PAC, Positive Approach to Care with Teepa Snow.
Assist in discovering the interests and passions of the person with dementia.
Create a comprehensive plan that includes emotional, spiritual, intellectual, purposeful and engaging activities for enjoyment and fulfillment.
Invest in learning about and caring for the person with dementia from a social or relational view. They understand that the person had a full and vivid life prior to this diagnosis and they will encourage the interests to continue to be expressed.
Provide respite to the family by taking the person out to restaurants or shopping or working at a charity. For later stages, may provide massage or music to form a meaningful connection.
Conduct in home VDT’s for the family. Virtual Dementia Tours are a way to experience what your loved one feels in their journey with dementia.
What is Dementia?
Dementia is not a specific disease. It is an overall term that describes a group of symptoms associated with a decline in memory or other thinking skills severe enough to interfere with the person’s ability to perform everyday activities. While there are over 70 different diseases that have associated dementia signs and symptoms, 60% of all dementia is related to Alzheimer’s Disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is a progressive and irreversible brain disorder that affects memory, reason, logic, concentration and communication. It is progressive, irreversible and fatal.
However, over 15% of the people who are diagnosed with memory loss actually have a reversible brain disorder.
A diagnosis of memory loss can be related to delirium from an infection, hormone imbalance, alcohol or drug interaction, or even depression. It’s important to know if there is a treatment available for these cognitive changes instead of resigning to this is happening because of “old age” or just a normal expectation. Dementia is not a normal part of aging.
As we age, some memory loss is normal. Forgetting a name, where we parked the car or not remembering to pick up an item at the grocery store is something that we have all experienced. For a person with dementia, these moments may happen frequently and will cause anxiety for them. But there’s more than just memory changes. With Alzheimer’s there is more: impaired judgement, disorientation, confusion, behavioral changes, impaired concentration, and in the later stages, impaired speaking, swallowing and balance.
We Offer Virtual Consultation
We understand that the need for assistance may not be available in your area. We have created a program that can assist you virtually through video (Zoom) conferencing. Don’t let the area you live in limit your ability to get help in caring for your loved one.
Take the Next Step
If your loved one has been diagnosed with a form of dementia or you feel that your loved one is having memory problems, your next thought might be, “what do I do now?” That’s where we come in. Let’s have a conversation and see how our Dementia Care Consultants can assist you and your loved one through this disease process.
We have been where you are, and we can help. Connect with us today by filling out the contact form. For immediate assistance call us at: 941-400-2387.
Thank you! One of our Dementia Care Consultants will connect with you to schedule a complimentary consultation.